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Louis Vuitton: Buying Luxury Perfumes at an Affordable Price

Fashion house Louis Vuitton was founded in 1864, but it began to deal with perfumes only in the 20s of the next century. The first fragrance, that was released by the brand, was Sur La Route. Its name translates as “On the way”. It is symbolic that in those days the fashion house specialized in the production of bags, suitcases, and other travel products. Thus, Louis Vuitton wanted to link perfumery with their main line of business. It was important for the brand to make perfume an addition to other product lines, rather than a separate product category.

Louis Vuitton's fragrances of that time were not forgotten. So, when the company decided to start producing perfumes again at the beginning of the 21st century, all fans were delighted.

Louis Vuitton: the Differences in fragrances

The fashion house produces fragrances for both men and women. Its hallmark is luxury. The company positions itself as a brand that is not accessible to everyone, so its products are distinguished by the luxury of bottles and their contents. Louis Vuitton prefers a minimalist design that strikes with its elegance. World-class celebrities become brand ambassadors, which emphasizes their uniqueness.

Louis Vuitton Perfumes with Delivery

You will find original Louis Vuitton fragrances in our catalog. Also, you can choose the perfect fragrance for yourself and purchase it with delivery. Write now and order!

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