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Yardley is a Perfume with a History

Yardley is one of the oldest perfume brands. Founded in 1770, the date is printed by the brand on every bottle from these times. In the 18th-19th century, it was the largest manufacturer of perfumes and soap. The iconic scent English Lavender was released in 1873. It was a deep, multifaceted composition with notes of lavender and bergamot, geranium and eucalyptus, sage and white cedar, oakmoss and musk. It is worth mentioning that Yardley's lavender grows specifically in the southern part of England.

What are the Features of Yardley Fragrances?

Over such a rich history, the Yardley brand has released many fragrances. All of them are unique in their own way. There is no point in describing each one since the variety of products is astonishing. There are subtle, barely recognizable scents for those who only want to emphasize their individuality, as well as viscous, deep aromas that take a long time to unfold and leave a long-lasting impression. Yardley perfumes are the timeless classic that will complement every fashion trend to come.

Order Perfume from Yardley

On our website, you can place an order for perfumes from the Yardley brand. We sell only original products from famous brands. We deliver high-quality perfumes worldwide.

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