Payment methods
Here are the available secure and convenient payment options on our website:
1. Montonio Payment
- Select Montonio as your payment method at checkout.
- Choose your bank from the list provided.
- Log into your online banking and confirm the payment.
- Confirmation and a receipt will be sent to your email.
Benefits of Montonio: Quick and secure payment through your online bank, no registration needed.
2. Paysera Payment
- Select Paysera as your payment method at checkout.
- Choose your bank for payment.
- Log into your chosen bank's online service and confirm the payment.
- A receipt will be sent to your provided email.
Benefits of Paysera: Convenient bank choice, fast payment without needing a Paysera account.
3. PayPal Payment
- Select PayPal as your payment method at checkout.
- Log into your PayPal account or choose the guest checkout option.
- Confirm the payment.
- A confirmation email will be sent to you.
Benefits of PayPal: Buyer protection, security, and convenience for international purchases.
4. Stripe Payment ( Card payment )
- Select Card payment as your payment method at checkout.
- Enter your card details: card number, expiration date, and CVV.
- Confirm the payment.
- Confirmation and receipt will be sent to your email.
Benefits of Stripe: Simple and secure card payments with support for multiple currencies and card types.
All of our payment options ensure reliable data protection, convenience, and transparency for each transaction. Choose your preferred method and enjoy your shopping!