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Buy Luxury Perfumes by Atelier Cologne

The brand name translates as "Cologne scent workshop". A strange name for an American luxury perfume? Not at all, considering that the basis of the collection is a classic Italian cologne. Perfumers Christophe Servacel and Sylvie Ganter successfully combined classics with modern technologies.

Notable Features of the Collection

There are no traditional fresh or sweet scents in the Atelier Cologne catalogue. Each perfume is individual in its way. Each one represents a unique feeling, emotion, or impression.

In creating a fragrance, Atelier Cologne adheres to two simple rules:

  • using natural components;
  • a large number of citrus notes.

The results are rich but at the same time airy and translucent aromas.

Original Perfumes at Decent Price

It is worth saying that the products of Atelier Cologne are recognized not only by their customers but by professionals too. Two fragrances from the collection were awarded a FiFi Award. To put it in simple words, for the world of perfumery, this award is akin to an Oscar in cinema.

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