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Buy Elite Fragrances by M. Micallef

The perfume brand M. Micallef was founded in 1997 by two spouses — they’re Geoffrey Neumann and Martine Micallef. The development of the fragrance lines in their creative union was carried out by Geoffrey, and the design of the bottles by Martina. The first line released was called “Crystal” because the bottles were made of Bohemian crystal.

It is worth noting that the brand quickly became popular thanks to the exclusive bottle designs. It delighted with their uniqueness and inimitable style.

Features of Fragrances M. Mikalle

When creating a perfume, the brand uses only natural ingredients, which allows achieving a unique effect. These aromas amaze me with their durability. Bold, expressive compositions of the brand, inspired by the East, have already gained many fans around the world and do not plan to stop. Both Geoffrey and Martina release their solo lines, so customers are provided with a wide selection of fragrances for both women’s and men’s perfumes.

M. Micallef: Luxury Perfumes with Delivery

You will find original fragrances from M. Micallef at affordable prices with delivery in our catalog. We present luxury perfumes for men and women, and not only!

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