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- Выбирайте любые понравившиеся товары, сборка заказа начнётся сразу после оформления и оплаты первых 25% стоимости. 4 небольших платежа
- Плати частями – просто ещё один способ оплаты: сервис автоматически будет списывать по 1/4 от стоимости покупки каждые 2 недели.
- Это не кредит и не рассрочка: вы заплатите ровно ту сумму, которая указана в корзине при оформлении заказа.
- Без анкет и ожидания
- Нужно просто ввести ФИО, дату рождения, номер телефона и данные банковской карты.
- Соберите корзину на общую сумму от 1 000 ₽ до 150 000 ₽.
- В способе оплаты нужно выбрать «Оплата частями».
- Спишем первый платёж и отправим вам заказ. Остальное — точно по графику.
Miniature or Original Bottle
Miniatures are small bottles that have compact dimensions. They easily fit into a pocket or bag, and also allow you to get acquainted with different aromas. At the same time, their price is often much lower than that of perfumes in original bottles.
The original bottle can be a great decoration for a dressing table and even create an atmosphere of luxury. In addition, it usually has a large capacity, which allows its owner to enjoy his favourite scent longer without having to constantly go to the store for a new product.
If you value variety, then a miniature will be a great option. If you want to enjoy one favourite scent for a long time, then the original bottle is the best choice.
Miniatures of Men's Perfumes
We offer miniatures of the following men's perfumes:
- Ex Nihilo The Hedonist;
- By Kilian Vodka on the Rocks;
- Ex Nihilo Explicite.
Miniatures have become increasingly common on sale lately. And this is not surprising, because they are really convenient to use.
Buy Miniatures of Men's Perfumes
All products presented in our catalogue are original. We do not sell fakes and carefully control the quality of our products. You can arrange delivery on our website in just a couple of clicks.