Парфюмерные бренды из США
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- Плати частями – просто ещё один способ оплаты: сервис автоматически будет списывать по 1/4 от стоимости покупки каждые 2 недели.
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- Соберите корзину на общую сумму от 1 000 ₽ до 150 000 ₽.
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A Distinctive Feature of Perfumes from the USA
American perfumes are the complete opposite of French ones. Their main feature is that they do not have the generally accepted three-step division into notes. They immediately begin to sound whole, and not in stages. Thanks to this, the buyer can immediately understand how this fragrance sounds on his skin. However, some may find American perfumes too boring because of this feature.
The Main Characteristics of Perfumes from the USA
Perfumes from the USA are always characterized by brightness and attractiveness. It perfectly reflects the American lifestyle. Such products are popular on the market and are practically not inferior to French ones.
American perfumes from original brands will be quite persistent. They definitely won’t disappear from the skin a couple of hours after application.
Popular Brands from the USA
The most famous include:
- Calvin Klein;
- Victoria's Secret;
- Ralph Lauren;
- Marc Jacobs;
- Tom Ford and others
These brands produce predominantly premium products.
You can also find perfume on sale that was developed by movie or pop stars. A striking example of this is the perfume from Ariana Grande “Cloud Pink”.