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Парфюмерия с нотой цветок табака

From 5.50€

Eau de parfum with a Note of Tobacco Flower

Tobacco is a plant, which is often used in perfumery. Its flowers, which have a memorable and noble aroma, were no exception. Thanks to them, it was even possible to make a small breakthrough in perfumery, because the note of this flower became a “breath of fresh air” when creating multifaceted compositions.

Buy Perfume with a Note of Tobacco Flower

A perfume with a note of tobacco flower is distinguished by its uniqueness. It contains both woody and herbal shades, which add solidity and sophistication to the image of its owner. The tobacco flower note cannot be combined with all ingredients. It shows itself best in oriental, spicy, gourmand, and woody compositions.

The tobacco flower note is found in eau de toilette intended for both men and women. She can show herself from different sides — sensual, charismatic, intriguing, or even invigorating.

Order Perfume with Delivery

You can purchase perfumes with notes of tobacco flowers in our perfume store. In our catalog, you will find original eau de parfum from proven Eastern, European, domestic, and other brands.

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