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From 6.60€

Eau de parfum with a Note of Violet Root

Not everyone knows that orris root is orris root. The thing is that this part of the plant emits an intense smell, which is somewhat reminiscent of the smell of violets. For this reason, it is called that, which is why confusion often arises.

Buy Perfume with a Note of Violet Root

Perfume with notes of orris root is an ingredient in a large number of fragrances. They can fit perfectly into many compositions, saturating them and giving them a unique sweetish aroma.

Perfumes with subtle notes are perfect for people who strive for calm and relaxation, but at the same time don’t mind “showing themselves off”.

Notes of violet root go well with floral, woody, green, and earthy accords. At the same time, they can retain their characteristic rich smell. Notes of orris root are present in men's and women's perfumes due to their ability to open up differently with different ingredients.

Order Perfume with Delivery

You can purchase perfumes with notes of orris root in our perfume store. We deliver products to almost any country. In our assortment, you will find only original eau de parfum, as we strive to maintain the status of a reliable and trusted store.

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