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Парфюмерия с нотой хиноки

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Perfume with a Note of Hinoki

Hinoki is a tree from the genus Cypress that grows in Japan. Previously, its essential oil was used to treat and heal wounds. Nowadays it often becomes the main component of many perfume compositions, as it has an unobtrusive and light aroma. Essential oil is obtained by steam distillation.

Buy Eau de parfum with Hinoki Note

Eau de parfum with notes of hinoki has a rich woody sound, in which shades of natural leather and spices are visible. It is suitable for sophisticated individuals who strive for order in their lives.

Hinoki note goes well with cedar, citrus, and lavender. It is often an integral part of oriental, floral, fruit, aromatic, and woody compositions. The note of this tree is present in different perfumes: women's, men's, or unisex. It often complements the base of the composition.

Place an Order in our Store

Our online store has been selling original products at an affordable price for a long time. Here you can find eau de parfum with a note of hinoki, as well as other woody notes. 

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