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Парфюмерия с нотой мороженое

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Eau de parfum with Ice cream Aroma

Ice cream is a dessert that many people have known since childhood. Despite its relatively simple composition, it is still popular among those with a sweet tooth. The aroma of the dessert cannot be called unambiguous, since it can combine sweet, creamy, or milky accents. In perfumery, the ice cream note is obtained by mixing natural and synthetic ingredients.

Buy Perfume with a Note of Ice cream

Perfumes with a note of ice cream are most often purchased by those who like enveloping and “appetizing” aromas. They will charge you with positivity for the whole day and brighten up cold winter days.

In the olfactory pyramid, ice cream notes can occupy the top, middle, or base level. They practically never occur in the “heart” of the composition.

Notes of ice cream are contained mainly in women's compositions since in this case it is easier to beat them than in men's or the same unisex perfumes.

Order Eau de parfum in Online Store

In our online store Molecule you can choose your favorite perfume with a note of ice cream and order it delivered to your country. We offer only original products from various popular brands.

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