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Парфюмерия с нотой лавандин

Парфюмерия с нотой лавандин

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От 1.80€

Eau de parfum with a Note of Lavandin

Lavandin is a natural (and sometimes artificial) hybrid of two varieties of lavender — broadleaf and angustifolia. Because it can grow not only high in the mountains but also in the lowlands, it is quite easy to cultivate. Lavandin essential oil is now successfully used in perfumery.

Buy Perfume with a Note of Lavandin

Eau de parfum with notes of lavandin can calm and relax its owner, as well as relieve headaches and migraines. It does not have a strong smell, making it suitable even for those people who do not particularly like perfume.

Lavandin notes blend well with other plant notes. They can also work well with woody, musky, and green accords. The notes of this plant often occupy the top or middle position in the composition. They are a permanent component of both men's and women's or unisex perfumes.

Order Perfume with Delivery

In our store, you can place an order and delivery of the perfume you like. We sell only original eau de parfum because we value our reputation and try to satisfy the wishes of every customer.

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