Парфимерия с нотой Ambrettolide (Амбреттолид)
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Perfumes with the Ambrettolide Note
Fragrances with the Ambrettolide note have a musky character. They feature cistus, a resinous plant with a bright fruity nuance, and ambrette seeds, a natural source of musk. This base note is the foundation of the entire composition with the Ambrettolide note, and it lingers the longest on our senses. This aroma stays on the skin, hair and clothes even after everything else fades away.
Buy Fragrances with the Ambrettolide Note
Our online store offers perfumes with the Ambrettolide note. This is a popular choice among perfume fans around the world. It blends harmoniously with other musky notes, as well as floral, oriental and woody scents. It can be found in both male and female fragrances. This is a very sensual, juicy, intense and yet soft aroma that will be a great addition to your collection.
Perfumes with Home Delivery
Use this opportunity to order perfumes from our online store and have them delivered directly to your home or any other convenient address. Our assortment has original products from famous brands. You can enjoy our delivery service to almost any point on the globe at the best possible prices.