Популярные духи EX NIHILO
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Features and Benefits of the EX NIHILO Brand
The EX NIHILO brand was founded by an international team of perfumers, including Olivier Royer (Swedish), Benoit Verdier (French), and Sylvie Lauday (American). Their goal was to create fragrances that would not be classified as “luxury”. They wanted to come up with something modern and unique. In principle, they succeeded.
Today, perfumes from EX NIHILO are still considered stylish and modern. Many of the products from this brand deserve the attention of not only fashionistas but also ordinary people who adore pleasant smells.
Popular Perfumes from the Brand EX NIHILO
In our catalog you can find:
- Fleur Narcotique is a famous perfume from this brand, which has been popular since 2022. Their base contains moss, sandalwood, and musk.
- Devil Tender is a refined and sensual fragrance that awakens positive emotions in its owner. Belongs to the "unisex" category.
- Lust in Paradise is a perfume in which musk plays an important role. They are distinguished by a warm and sensual trail.
Other perfumes from EX NIHILO also deserve the attention of buyers.
Choose and Buy Perfume from the Brand EX NIHILO
Molecule presents only original products from the EX NIHILO brand because we care about the reputation of our store and our customers. If necessary, you can easily place an order and delivery of perfumes to almost any country on our website.