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Features of Modern Men's Colognes
Previously, cologne contained quite a lot of alcohol, which made its aromatic component difficult to appreciate. Because of this, many people did not like it, and was considered a cheap product.
Today, even a budget cologne can please the owner with a pleasant aroma and long-lasting sound. It will be an excellent aroma for hot summer days due to its unobtrusiveness and freshness.
Composition of Classic Cologne
The composition of the classic cologne includes the usual citrus fruits — lemon, orange, grapefruit. New products may contain lime, yuzu, or other exotic fruit.
New Men's Colognes
These include, for example, Maurer & Wirtz 4711 Peony & Sandalwood, in which notes of peony and sandalwood are visible. This scent is perfect for spring days and will delight its owner with a warm sound.
Another great option could be Thameen Bohemian Infusion, which successfully combines spicy, citrus, and woody notes. Thanks to them, the smell of cologne is fresh and rich. Due to amber, patchouli, ambrosia, and labdanum, a noticeable trail is formed.