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Perfume Brands from Israel
Israel is one of the leaders in the production of cosmetics, which is known throughout the world. What about perfumes?
Israeli perfume, it turns out, is also very popular and has many fans. The most popular perfume brands from this country: are Zielinski & Rozen, Anna Rozenmeer, Ga-De, Laor, and Sea of Spa.
Hot Perfume
A distinctive feature of Israeli perfume can be considered that it does not fit into the framework of either classic European scents or traditional oriental ones. Israel itself is located on the border of continents, and in its perfumes, it combines both the heavy, enveloping notes of the eastern pyramids and the fresh trends of modern Western perfumery.
This combination makes perfumes from Israel unique and extremely original.
Order Fragrances from Israeli Brands
Our catalog presents the most popular fragrances of Israeli companies, after getting acquainted with them, you will discover a new world of incredible perfume solutions, and you can also acquire new favorite perfumes.