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Парфюмерия с нотой зеленый мандарин

Парфюмерия с нотой зеленый мандарин

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Perfume with a Note of Green Tangerine

This fruit is always associated with feasts and holidays. Compositions with notes of green tangerine often became the best in their category.

Buying Perfume Fruit Perfume

Eau de parfum with notes of green mandarin is more intended for summer. It is distinguished by its lightness and ease, so it is suitable for people who want to emphasize their openness and youth.

The notes of this fruit traditionally act as top notes. They can go well with notes of other citruses, and also fit into floral, woody, or green compositions. They are often used to create oriental compositions if they are not considered “heavy”.

Notes of green mandarin can be found in men's and women's perfumes, as well as in unisex perfumes. They are universal, so they can organically complement almost any composition.

Buy and Order Perfume with Delivery

The online store Molecule suggests you buy original perfumes at an affordable price. We deliver goods to almost any country. Our store catalog contains more than a hundred perfumes.

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