Tasuta kohaletoimetamine alates 129 €
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Парфюмерия с нотой яблоко в карамели

Парфюмерия с нотой яблоко в карамели

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Buy Caramel Apple Fragrance Online

An apple in caramel even sounds very appetizing and tasty; the aroma does not disappoint and produces the same incredible effect even in the form of perfume. The caramel apple note is mostly found in women's perfumes, although recently perfumers have been adding it to some unisex scents.

Gourmet Sweetness

The caramel apple note is a gourmand note and goes well with other “edible” notes. To highlight the sweetness of a luxurious dessert with polar fresh or bitter notes, you must have the highest perfumery qualifications.

The note of caramel apple is attractive to flirty girls and sophisticated women. It is great for seduction and flirting and also helps you feel confident and luxurious.

Order Caramel Apple Fragrance Online

In our catalog, you will find enchanting aromas with a note of caramel apple at the best prices. Original and high-quality perfumes that will turn anyone's head, a wide selection of perfumes for every taste and with any notes with delivery to your city.

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