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Парфюмерия с нотой вереск

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Perfumes with a Note of Heather

This seemingly modest flower has incredible charm. Small heather flowers tightly envelop the stems of the plant, creating the illusion of splendor. Heather can bloom with lilac, purple, crimson, white and purple flowers. From a distance, it seems as if there is a soft lilac-lilac cloud ahead.

There are many legends associated with this flower. One of them says that Heather is the only plant that agreed to grow on a wasteland blown through by the wind. In response, God rewarded him with unpretentiousness and refined appearance. Even after the flowers dry out, they continue to remain on the stems without losing their attractiveness.

Buy Perfumes with a Heather Scent

The heather note is a woody scent. There are subtle, unobtrusive, sweetish notes in essence with a subtle scent of honeysuckle. Heather adds lightness and freshness to the perfume, so it can be found in all types of fragrances: for men, women, and unisex. Heather creates a unique composition with the fresh breath of meadows heated by the sun. Perfumers often add it to aromatic, fruity, floral, and green shades.

Buy Eau de parfum with Delivery

In our online store, there are always many scents with a note of heather, and you will be able to find something for yourself. You can arrange delivery in just a couple of clicks. We sell perfume and eau de toilette at very competitive prices.

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