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Парфюмерия с нотой цибетин

Парфюмерия с нотой цибетин

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Perfumes with the Note of Civet

Perfumes with the note of civet have an original sound that not everyone will like. Some are confused by the animal origin of the musk substance — and its civet. But it is precisely this fact that makes him so attractive and sensual.

Civet can be found in perfumes for men and women equally often. The note goes well with amber, vanilla, and oriental heavy chords.

A Fragrance for Passionate Natures

Perfume with such unusual aroma is chosen by self-confident people who know how to impress others and know how to use their attractiveness.

This perfume is preferred by adventurous and passionate people who have a hypnotic effect on others. The animalistic scent is memorable and remains a languid trail for a long time.

Order Fragrance Online with the Note of Civet at a Low Price

In our catalog, you can choose the best examples of perfumes with the note of civet and purchase them at the best price. We offer fragrances from global manufacturers and guarantee their quality and durability. A wonderful perfume and fast delivery await you.

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