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Eau de parfum with a Note of Cream

Cream is a product that is loved by both children and adults. They are used to make ice cream, various desserts, and creams, or can be consumed in their pure form. The delicate aroma of cream is difficult to confuse with any other.

Perfumers could not ignore such a popular product, so they were able to recreate its aroma using synthetic components.

Buy Perfume with a Note of Cream

An Eau de parfum with a note of cream is distinguished by its softness and sensuality. It will be able to give real satisfaction to those with a sweet tooth, as well as to lovers of light, unsaturated compositions.

The note of cream sounds good together with jasmine, vanilla, coconut, apple, etc. It is present in fruity, floral, and aquatic compositions. It is unlikely to be combined with bright ingredients, as they will simply cover it up.

The note of cream can fit into women's and unisex perfumes due to its unobtrusiveness.

Choose Delivery of Perfumes

The Molecule online store you can order original products from well-known manufacturers from different countries. Our products are high quality and original.

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