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Парфюмерия с нотой почки черной смородины

Парфюмерия с нотой почки черной смородины

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От 1.60€
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Perfumery with a Note of Blackcurrant Bud

Perfume with a note of black currant bud is distinguished by a multifaceted aroma containing bright berry accords, with exciting green and fruity notes. This chord will decorate any pyramid. The note is often present in expensive evening perfumes and extravagant or formal perfumes, and it is good everywhere.

Aroma Concentrate

Blackcurrant has an intense aroma that spreads to all parts of the plant. Moreover, apart from the berries, a special concentration of fragrant essential oils is concentrated precisely in the buds of the plant.

That is why kidneys are a valuable source of aromatic substances that are so pleasant to our olfactory receptors. In addition to its pleasant sound, the aroma also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Order Perfume with Blackcurrant Bud with Delivery

In our online store, you will find a large selection of high-quality perfumes with a note of blackcurrant buds at the lowest prices on the market. Original perfumes from famous manufacturers will decorate your perfume collection with a new worthy scent. Fast delivery will not make you wait long for a parcel with a treasured bottle, and maybe more than one.

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