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Парфюмерия с нотой папоротник

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Eau de parfum with a Note of Fern

Fern is a plant that is one of the oldest. Previously, ferns could reach a height of several meters. Now they can only be huge if they grow in a tropical forest. In total, more than 12 thousand species of ferns are found in nature. Perfumers use its fantasy scent, which was invented back in the 19th century, to create their own eau de toilette.

Buy Perfumes with a Note of Fern

Eau de parfum with a note of fern is considered fresh and intoxicating. It is ideal for those who adore natural scents. Fern notes go well with many ingredients. They are often found in fougere, woody, and oriental compositions.

The notes of this plant are widely used to create men's perfumes, distinguished by their astringency. Recently, women's fragrances with such notes have also appeared on sale. There the fern already sounds fresher and lighter.

Order Perfume at an Affordable Price with Worldwide Delivery

In our store, you can order original perfume products with delivery to almost any country. Follow our catalog updates so you don't miss the appearance of your favorite eau de toilette.

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