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Парфюмерия с нотой папирус

Парфюмерия с нотой папирус

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Perfumes with a Note of Papyrus

Papyrus is a herbaceous plant native to Africa and grows in the tropics. It can reach more than five meters in height. It is characterized by increased sensitivity to cold. Formerly used by the Egyptians as writing paper. Nowadays, essential oil is obtained from papyrus, which is later used to create perfume compositions.

Buy Perfumes with Papyrus Note

Perfumes with a note of papyrus are considered by many to be an aphrodisiac. It is generally accepted that it is capable of awakening desire, as well as making its owner more seductive and mysterious. It has a characteristic bitter-spicy sound that has been remembered for a long time.

Papyrus notes go well with woody notes. They will sound harmoniously with juniper, cypress, spruce, pine, etc. They have a place in oriental, citrus, and woody compositions.

Papyrus notes fit perfectly into all perfumes, as they have a pleasant woody aroma.

Buy Perfume at an Affordable Price with Worldwide Delivery

In our online store, you can purchase perfume at an affordable price from different manufacturers — both little-known and famous. The best gift for loved ones or yourself is an Eau de toilette, which emphasizes style.

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