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Парфюмерия с нотой норлимбанол (Norlimbanol)

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Perfumes with the Note of Norlimbanol

Perfumes with the note norlimbanol most often belong to the category of elite or selective fragrances. Norlimbanol is a synthetically derived molecule that may not be to everyone's taste.

However, lovers of niche perfumes will appreciate its durability and incredible trail, which is impossible not to notice. Such perfumes are the best way to attract attention and declare your high status. A fragrance with this note can be suitable for both men and women, but women choose it more often.

Unusual Note Ever

Norlimbanol molecule combines motifs of many oriental aromas. It smells of amber, patchouli, sandalwood, and smoky sweetness. At the same time, the note cannot be called sweet either.

It is intense, and goes well with a group of woody notes, diluting them with a heavy oriental flavor. Despite its exclusivity, the note is popular among those who love heavy scents.

Order Perfume with Norlimbanol Online

Our online store presents the best perfumes with the exclusive note of norlimbanol. Niche perfumes at the best prices can be ordered on the pages of our website. Delivery is carried out in a short time and to different regions.

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