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Парфюмерия с нотой мастиковое дерево

Парфюмерия с нотой мастиковое дерево

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Perfume with a Note of Mastic Tree

The mastic tree (mastic pistachio) is a shrub that can reach five meters in height. It produces a resin that can be used in a variety of ways. For example, in the industry, it is used to create a reliable adhesive, and in perfumery to give a composition a bright woody scent.

Buy Perfume with a Note of Mastic Tree

Perfume with a note of mastic wood has a unique spice, so it is perfect for bright personalities. Lovers of everything related to nature will also like this perfume.

Notes of mastic wood can be found in floral, woody, and fougere scents. They can play the role of “glue” in the aroma, fixing lighter and fresher notes in the trail.

Perfumers are not afraid to experiment with mastic tree notes, so they add them to both men's and women's eau de toilette. Most often they occupy the top position in the olfactory pyramid.

Buy Perfumes with Worldwide Delivery

In our online store Molecule you can arrange delivery of perfumes with a note of mastic wood to almost anywhere in the world. We will make sure that the goods reach you safe and sound.

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