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Парфюмерия с нотой манинка

Парфюмерия с нотой манинка

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От 1.20€

Eau de parfum with a Note of Maninka

Maninka is a tropical fruit that grows in warm South Africa. In its homeland, it is known as a fruit that increases a person's libido, increasing his attraction to the opposite sex. People have this impression of maninka because of its heady aroma and rich, tart taste.

Buy Perfume with Maninka Note

A perfume with notes of maninka will be a suitable option for modest people who want to loosen up a little and feel more confident. The thick and rich trail will remind others of the owner of the perfume for a long time.

Maninka notes are an excellent part of fruity, floral, oriental, oriental and musky compositions. They can be combined with both bitter and sweet accords. True, with “green” notes, maninka notes may no longer sound organic.

Maninka notes are often found in the “heart” of the fragrance, as they carry a unique smell that makes the perfume memorable.

Order Perfume with Delivery

You can purchase perfumes with notes of Maninka from the original manufacturers in our perfume store. Every customer will be able to find with us a scent that he will like.

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