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Парфюмерия с нотой лист томата

Парфюмерия с нотой лист томата

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Perfume with a Note of Tomato Leaf

Surely those who have experienced harvesting at least once know that tomato leaves have a special smell. They emit a bitter-herbal, memorable aroma that is imprinted in the memory for a long time. Perfumers have decided to turn this to their advantage by using tomato leaves to create rich and interesting compositions.

Buy Perfume with a Note of Tomato Leaf

Perfume with a note of tomato can be called noble and natural. They are perfect for those who can easily tolerate harsh odors and at the same time want to love natural aromas. Notes of tomato can be found in the “green”, leathery, or woody composition. They are organically combined with aromatic vanilla, iris, musk, and boxwood.

Tomato notes usually act as a starting chord, gradually revealing the composition and complementing it favorably. They are present in both men's and women's perfumes. They also found a place in unisex perfumes.

Order Perfume with Delivery

In our online store Molecule you can order delivery of your favorite perfume to your country. We offer customers only original products from popular brands and carefully check the products before shipping.

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