Tasuta kohaletoimetamine alates 129 €
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Парфюмерия с нотой лемонграсс

Парфюмерия с нотой лемонграсс

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Perfumes with Lemongrass Notes

Lemongrass has found wide application in aromatherapy, cosmetology, and perfumery. The aroma of this plant has a light citrus tint and has a calming effect on the psyche.

The note is universal and is included with the same frequency in both men's and women's fragrances.

Fresh Aroma

The citrus aroma of lemongrass makes the perfume bright and fresh, awakening and motivating. Perfume with lemongrass makes it easier to cope with difficulties and solve problems faster.

This scent is great for the office or college. Also, a person who prefers perfume with a citrus note of lemongrass will more easily make new acquaintances, winning over the interlocutor.

Order Perfume Online with Lemongrass Accord

We offer to order perfumes with a note of lemongrass at a good price with delivery to your region. A large selection of men's and women's perfumes will not leave you without the desired aroma. We guarantee the quality and originality of all products. 

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