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Парфюмерия с нотой кульфи

Парфюмерия с нотой кульфи

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Perfume with a Note of Kulfi

Kulfi is a cold dessert that is prepared at home. It has an unusual taste and aroma because it contains various spices and spices. It is usually customary to add saffron, almonds, milk, and corn flour to kulfi, and sometimes also various nuts or fruits. It is not surprising that perfumers could not ignore this interesting ice cream.

Buy Perfumes with a Note of Kulfi

Eau de parfum with kulfi has a sweet, pleasant aroma. It is perfect for those with a sweet tooth who want to surround themselves with an unobtrusive yet noticeable scent.

The notes of such a dessert as kulfi sound great in oriental and gourmet compositions. They can go well with notes of cardamom, mandarin, rose, jasmine, and nutmeg. Kulfi notes often act as “heart” notes in compositions. They are found in both women's and men's or unisex fragrances.

Order Perfume in Our Store

We try to maintain the quality bar and delight customers only with the original Eau de parfum. In our online store, you can easily find perfumes with notes of kulfi and order them with delivery to almost any country.

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