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Парфюмерия с нотой крыжовник

Парфюмерия с нотой крыжовник

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NEW 2023❤️‍🔥
От 1.50€

Perfume with a Note of Gooseberry

This accord has an interesting and pleasant sweet and sour taste. Previously, gooseberries were used to make jelly, jam, and wine, and were also used to treat various diseases. Today, the berry is also successfully used in cosmetology and perfumery. Although gooseberries do not have a pronounced aroma, experienced perfumers can help them open up.

Gooseberry Accord: Buying

The smell of Eau de parfum with a note of gooseberry is considered pleasant and alluring. That’s why is perfect for people who want to demonstrate their flirtatiousness, carelessness, and ease.

Gooseberry notes are often found in floral, berry, or fruity scents, but can also be found in oriental, gourmand compositions.

Notes of this berry are present in women's perfumes than in men's. They act as top or base notes.

Buy Eau de parfum with Delivery

Our online store presents only original products since we care about the quality of the eau de parfum we sell, as well as about our customers. You can easily place an order and deliver this wonderful aroma on our website.

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