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Парфюмерия с нотой костус

Парфюмерия с нотой костус

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Eau de parfum with a Note of Costus

Costus is an exotic plant that grows mainly in India. It has a rather pleasant and soft woody aroma, due to which it is used in aromatherapy and perfumery. Costus is also often added to drinks and confectionery.

Buy Perfume with a Note of Costus

A perfume with a note of costus can be called bright and memorable. It should be chosen by those people who want to impress others or feel more relaxed. The smell of costus gives a boost of vigor and energy for the whole day. This is especially true in the winter season.

Costus notes help others “stay” in the composition. For this reason, they often act as heart notes, base notes, or top notes.

Costus notes go well with notes of other rare plants, fruits, or spices. For example, they will sound beneficial together with patchouli or ylang-ylang. Perfumes with notes of this plant are equally suitable for both men and women.

Buy Perfumes with Worldwide Delivery

Our catalog presents original products for both sexes at an affordable price. We stand for the quality of the goods we sell, so you will not find fakes in our catalog.

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