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Парфюмерия с нотой корень ириса

Парфюмерия с нотой корень ириса

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Perfume with a Note of Orris Root

Although orris root looks inconspicuous, after drying it acquires a pleasant aroma. In it, you can discern the smell of violet, as well as accords of other flowering plants. In perfumery, oil obtained from the roots is used to create perfume. It is considered quite persistent and can be diluted repeatedly.

Buy Perfume with a Note of Orris Root

Real oil obtained from orris root is used only when creating expensive eau de parfum. In other cases, synthetic analogs are used. Orris root notes usually act as base or heart notes in Eau de parfum. They leave behind a pleasant and long-lasting scent that will delight the owner in both cold and warm seasons.

Notes of orris root are found in both masculine and feminine compositions. In men's perfumes, they can give a tart-spicy woody aroma, and in women's perfumes, they can give a sweet and enchanting aroma.

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Our store sells only original products. We supply perfumes to almost all countries, making sure that all customers receive their products on time. Keep an eye on our range to find the perfect eau de parfum for yourself.

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