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Perfume with a Note of Hemp (Oil)

Hemp, or more precisely its essence, is used as a food, cosmetic, and perfume flavoring. The cost of this essence can be quite high, so hemp notes are most often found in expensive eau de parfum.

Buy Eau de parfum with a Note of Hemp

Eau de parfum with notes of cannabis is not for everyone. It will be an ideal option only for lovers of bright and extraordinary aromas. Not every perfumer will decide to add this ingredient to their perfume.

The smell of this plant can be described as bitter and pungent, with woody undertones. Thanks to this, it will be ideally combined with woody, musky, or green notes.

Cannabis notes occupy the top or middle position in the olfactory pyramid. They are often present in men's eau de parfum. Notes of this plant are usually not added to women's perfumes.

Place an Order in Our Store

Our online store has been selling original products at an affordable price for a long time. Here you can find Eau de parfum with a note of hemp.

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