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Парфюмерия с нотой кастореум

Парфюмерия с нотой кастореум

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Perfumes with Castoreum Shades

Castoreum is one of the components of animal origin that is actively used in perfumery. In common parlance, this substance is called “beaver stream” or “beaver secretion”. A liquid with a bright odor is obtained from the musk glands of the beaver.

The aroma is rarely used in its pure form, but in combination with other notes and alcohols, it reveals the most exciting motifs.

Musk Note

The aroma of musk has long been considered seductive and exciting. It enhances the attraction between a man and a woman and promotes their mutual attraction.

Perfumes with castoreum are wonderfully suitable for first and not only dates; they are a kind of secret of seduction. The note is part of men's and women's fragrances, being a kind of pheromone. It was in this capacity that the substance was used many years ago.

Order Castoreum Online

Our online store offers a large selection of original fragrances containing a note of castoreum, which will help you become irresistible in the eyes of the opposite sex. To order, select the perfume you like and fill out the form. We will send the fragrance to your city as soon as possible.

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