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Парфюмерия с нотой гималайский кедр

Парфюмерия с нотой гималайский кедр

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Perfume with a Note of Himalayan Cedar

Himalayan cedar is a coniferous tree native to eastern Asia. Oil is made from it, which is then added to Eau de parfum. The oil is obtained from Himalayan cedar wood.

Buy Perfume with a Note of Himalayan Cedar

Perfume with a note of Himalayan cedar is suitable for easy-going people and those who cannot stand strong odors.

The aroma of this coniferous tree can be called “invisible” and delicate. There is a distant bitterness in it, but it only complements the overall picture. You can also distinguish sandalwood, an unobtrusive herbal scent.

Notes of Himalayan cedar fit quite organically into the overall composition. They can emphasize the base aroma, in some places enhance other components, and in others: reduce their impact on the overall picture. That’s why perfumers use Himalayan cedar notes as middle notes, and less often as base notes.

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Our store sells only original products. We deliver perfumes to almost all countries, making sure that all customers receive their fragrances on time. Keep an eye on our range to find the perfect Eau de parfum for you.

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