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Парфюмерия с нотой гиацинт

Парфюмерия с нотой гиацинт

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TOP 100 women ⭐️
От 2.60€
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Classic 🎭
От 1.40€
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Classic 🎭
От 3€
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TOP 100 men ⭐️
От 1€
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Classic 🎭
От 1.50€
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TOP 100 women ⭐️
От 1.60€

Perfumes with a Note of Hyacinth

Hyacinth is a plant with an interesting aroma. The habitat of this plant is Asia Minor. To produce perfumes, perfumers often use synthetic hyacinth bases, since the absolute of this plant does not provide such a light and pure aroma. However, natural raw materials can also sometimes be used to create eau de parfum.

Buy Eau de parfum with a Note of Hyacinth

Perfumes with notes of hyacinth are suitable for people who have a calm and measured character and a pretty appearance.

The aroma of hyacinth is considered subtle and fresh, which is why it is most often used to produce women's perfume. It can also benefit men's fragrances if the chords are chosen correctly. The scent of hyacinth combines the tenderness of jasmine and the pleasant lightness of lily.

The notes of this plant are most often included in the heart notes. Less commonly it is used for top notes. The most harmonious combination is achieved with violet, citrus fruits, and resins. These components add piquancy.

Order Perfume with Home Delivery

You can easily order perfumes with notes of hyacinth in our online store. We deliver the products to many countries and work only with original products.

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