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Парфюмерия с нотой душистый (сладкий) горошек

Парфюмерия с нотой душистый (сладкий) горошек

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Perfumes with the Note of Sweet Pea

Sweet pea is a fairly common ingredient in perfumes. This fact may seem strange to people who do not delve into the pyramids of aromas.

However, sweet pea fragrance combines so well with fruity, floral, and woody notes. Perfumers do not miss the opportunity to add this piquant note to their creations, making them memorable and attractive.

Perfume with Peas

The light spice of sweet peas is suitable for people who are used to standing out from the crowd. Such aromas reflect the character of a person and show that there is a zest in a person.

The note is included in both men's and women's fragrances, revealing itself in a special way in each case.

Order Sweet Pea Perfume Online

Our online store offers for lovers of extravagant perfume several options for perfumes with a note of sweet pea. You can familiarize yourself with the pyramids of notes in the description for each perfume and choose the one that best suits your needs. We will carefully collect your order and immediately send a fragrant package to your city.

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